Thursday, June 30, 2011

Die God van die Bybel - 02 (Is die Bybel Betroubaar?)

Indien u hierdie Bybelstudie wil uitdruk – Verlig die teks in hierdie venster en kopieer en plak dit daarna in enige Woordverwerkingsprogram (bv. MS Word of Word Perfect) – druk daarna gewoon uit.

1.     INLEIDING: 
Ons het vir mekaar gesê en daaroor saamgestem, dat die heelal waarna ons die vorige keer gekyk het, nie maar net uit ’n groot knal" ("big bang") kon ontstaan het nie, maar dat ’n Opperwese agter die skepping moes gewees het.  Die vraag is wie is hierdie Skepper?

As ons bely dat ons gelowiges is, nee, dat ons Christene is, moet ons vir onsself afvra of die God van die Bybel wel die Skepper is, want die Bybel sê so en ten einde dit vas te stel, sal ons moet vasstel of die Bybel wel betroubaar is – is dit wel die ware Woord van die Almagtige God van die heelal en indien die Bybel wel betroubaar is, moet die God van die Bybel, die ware God wees en derhalwe ook die Almagtige Skepper van hemel en aarde.

Ons as Christene kry baie dikwels met mense te doen wat sê dat ons geloof nie die ware geloof is nie, omdat die Bybel vol foute is.  Sommige beweer dat die Koran van die Moslems die ware "Bybel" is, of die "Boek van die Mormone" wat deur Joseph Smith geskryf is, ens. Wanneer ons wil vasstel of die Bybel betroubaar en outentiek is, moet ons na bepaalde dinge gaan kyk ten einde die betroubaarheid vas te stel. 

Daar is egter twee toetse wat aangelê kan word ten einde die akkuraatheid en korrektheid van die Bybel te bepaal en dit word die "Eksterne- en Interne Toets" genoem.

Eerstens moet ’n mens na die historiese getuienis van die boek gaan kyk.  Tweedens moet ’n mens na die geografiese getuienisse gaan kyk.  Verder moet ’n mens vasstel of die verskillende weergawes, konsekwent is.  Is die karakters in die Bybel, betroubare mense?  Is daar enige lewende getuienisse, of steeds bestaande en betroubare verslae oor die Bybel wat ondersoek kan word?

Net soos met "ons olifant op die huis se dak" in die vorige studie, moet ons ook hier dus ondersoek instel ten einde die betroubaarheid van die Bybel te bepaal.

·           Historiese Getuienis:  Daar is talle getuienis dat Jesus ’n werklike mens was wat nagenoeg 2000 jaar gelede in Palestina geleef het.  Hy was nie ’n koning of ’n aardse heerser nie en Hy was ook nie gebore uit ’n gesiene familie nie.  Hy het vir nagenoeg 3 jaar rond beweeg in Palestina en oral gepreek waar Hy gekom het, voor Hy voor die owerhede gedaag is.

Verskeie ander historici het ook deeglik kennis geneem van Jesus:
-        Tacitus was ’n Romeinse historikus – waarskynlik die bekendste en mees geloofwaardige historikus van sy tyd wat bv. in 70 n.C. omvattend verslag gelewer het oor die val van Jerusalem en in 110 n.C. beskryf hy die wreedhede waaraan gelowige martelaars (Christene wat vir hul geloof gesterf het) onderwerp was.  Wanneer hy verslag lewer oor hierdie vervolging noem hy dan ook dat die Christene navolgers van Jesus van Nasaret is en dat hulle hul naam ook van Hom gekry het.  Hy het dus geweet van Jesus en sy skrywes dui ook ondubbelsinnig op die lewe van ’n baie bekende Persoon met die naam van Jesus van Nasaret.
-        Suetonius was ’n ook ’n Romeinse historikus wat in 120 n.C. oor die gebeure in 49 n.C. in sy boek "The Life of Claudius" verslag lewer.  Hy beskryf o.a. van ’n reeks opstande in Rome wat gelei het tot Keiser Claudius se verbanning van die Joodse gemeenskap in die stad.  Volgens hom was die bron van al die moeilikheid, ’n man
met die naam van "Chrestus".
-        Josefus, ’n baie bekende Joodse historikus het verskeie verwysings gemaak na Nuwe Testamentiese gebeure.  Hy skryf bv. oor Johannes die Doper en die dood van Herodes Agrippa, wat ooreenstem met die weergawe in Hand.12:19-23 ~ Herodes het hom laat soek, en omdat hulle hom nie kon kry nie, het hy die wagte verhoor en bevel gegee dat hulle doodgemaak moet word. Hierna het Herodes van Judea af na Sesarea toe gegaan en ’n tyd daar gebly. 20Die mense van Tirus en Sidon het hulle die woede van Herodes op die hals gehaal. Daarom het hulle saam ’n afvaardiging na hom toe gestuur. Nadat hulle vir Blastus, die koning se kamerheer, op hulle hand gekry het, het hulle vrede gevra, omdat hulle land van die koning s’n afhanklik was vir lewensmiddele. 21Op die vasgestelde dag het Herodes sy ampsklere aangetrek, op sy troon gaan sit en hulle toegespreek. 22Die mense het toe geskreeu: “Dit is ’n god wat praat, nie ’n mens nie!” 23Op daardie selfde oomblik het ’n engel van die Here hom getref, omdat hy nie die eer aan God gegee het nie. Herodes is deur wurms verteer, en het gesterf.  Josefus het ook geskryf oor die Apostel Jakobus se dood wat weer ooreenstem met Hand.12:1-2 ~ In dié tyd het koning Herodes party van die gemeentelede laat vang en hulle mishandel. 2Hy het vir Jakobus die broer van Johannes met die swaard laat doodmaak.  Hy skryf ook oor Jesus se kruisiging as volg:  "And there rose about this time a wise man, if indeed we should call him a man; for he was the doer of marvellous deeds, a teacher of men who receive the truth with pleasure.  He led away many Jews, and also many Greeks,  This man was the Christ.  And when Pilate had condemned him to the cross on his impeachment by the chief men among us, those who had loved him at first did not cease; for he appeared to them on the third day alive again, the divine prophets having spoken these and thousands of other wonderful things about him: and even now the tribe of Christians, so named after him, has not yet died out".

Talle ander geskiedskrywings bestaan en bevestig die lewe van Jesus – die gedagte is egter nie dat ons nou in te veel detail hieroor sal verval nie.  Die wonder van hierdie geskiedskrywings, is dat dit in die meeste gevalle deur nie-Christene geskryf is, wat die verhale dus soveel meer gesaghebbend maak.

·           Geografiese Getuienis:  ’n Verdere vraag wat gevra moet word, ten einde die betroubaarheid van die Skrif te bepaal, is of bepaalde geografiese detail soos verstrek in die Bybel, wel korrek en waar is.  ’n Baie eenvoudige antwoord kan op hierdie vraag verstrek word, nl.:  Ja, al die plekke bestaan, of het bestaan.  Baie van die plekke kan vandag nog fisies besoek word (bv. Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Rome, ens.) en ander is wel bekend al bestaan dit dalk nie meer nie.  ’n Mens kan bv. vandag nog die oorblyfsels, of ruïnes van die gemeente in Efese se vergaderplek besoek (in die huidige Turkye)

Argeologiese ontdekkings word voortdurend gemaak wat die bestaan van plekke, mense en dinge soos opgeteken in die Bybel, steeds bevestig.  Ons lees bv. in Joh.5:1-2 van so ’n herontdekte plek ~ Hierna was daar weer ’n fees van die Jode, en Jesus het daarvoor Jerusalem toe gegaan. 2By die Skaappoort in Jerusalem was daar ’n bad met die Hebreeuse naam Betesda. Dit het vyf pilaargange gehad....  ’n Bad met die presiese afmetings en beskrywing is oopgegrawe deur argeoloë.  Daar is steeds ’n baie diep put by Sigar waarna Joh.4:4-6 verwys as die Fontein van Jakob.  So is daar talle ander plekke wat in die Woord beskryf of genoem word, wat steeds uitgegrawe word, of wat steeds bestaan.

Die vlak baaitjies waar Jesus aan die noordkus van die See van Galilea gepreek het, is daar en onverwagsee storms wat losbreek oor die See van Galilea, kan steeds beleef word.  Die Tuin van Getsemane, die Olyfberg en Golgota is steeds daar.  Nie-Christen getuienis bestaan vandag nog dat misdadigers op Golgota gekruisig was.  Die hoë kranse van Gádara waar die trop varke (omtrent 2000) afgestorm het (Mark.5:9) is wel daar.  En wanneer die Bybel praat van ’n dagreis of twee dae se reistyd, is dit werklik die realistiese reistyd wat benodig word wanneer daardie spesifieke afstand te voet afgelê moet word (bv. Luk.2:44).

Lukas vermeld bv. in die boek Handelinge, die name van 32 lande, 54 stede en 9 eilande en elkeen van hierdie plekke kon d.m.v. argeologie bevestig word – dieselfde kan egter nie van enige van die ander "heilige boeke" van die wêreld gesê word nie.  Daar kan bv. geen bevestiging in Amerikaanse argeologie gevind word om die "Boek van die Mormone" te bevestig nie – trouens, argeoloë sê dat daar geen ooreenkoms is... "...between archaeology of the New World and the subject matter of the book".  Argeoloë het dus geen plek, stad, persoon of name kon vasstel van wat in die Mormone se boek geskryf is nie.

·           Die Konsekwentheid van die Verhale: Daar bestaan net een verhaal van Jesus.  Daar is wel vier verskillende weergawes (Matteus, Markus, Lukas en Johannes) wat deur vier verskillende mense geskryf is, maar hulle skryf al vier oor een en dieselfde Jesus – net vanuit vier verskillende hoeke.  Daar is heelwat ooreenstemmende verhale in die eerste drie Evangelies, maar die onderliggende getuienis is dieselfde.

Daar kom wel enkele verskille t.o.v. bepaalde gebeurtenisse voor in die Evangelies, maar dit is soos wanneer jy ’n prent vir ’n groepie mense vir een minuut sal wys en na die minuut vir elkeen vra wat hy gesien en onthou het – daar sal verskillende invalshoeke en verskillende ervarings wees t.o.v. dieselfde gebeurtenis en nie een sal noodwendig onwaar wees nie.

Daar is ook mense wat beweer dat die verhale van die Bybel honderde jare na die gebeure eers geskryf is en omdat die mense nie so goed kan onthou nie, is alles dus nie waar nie.  So ’n argument is egter nie aanvaarbaar nie, omdat Markus en Lukas bv. voor 70 n.C. geskryf is en dus maar ongeveer 30 jaar na Jesus se hemelvaart opgeteken is.  Matteus is kort daarna geskryf.  Wat meer is, die meeste Sendbriewe is selfs voor die Evangelies geskryf.  Daar is dus, wat jare aan betref, nie veel langer na die werklik gebeurtenis geskryf, as iemand wat vandag oor die Grensoorlog of selfs die Tweede Wêreldoorlog sou skryf nie – en ons aanvaar hierdie geskrifte oor lg. twee oorloë bv. as outentiek.  Toe die Nuwe Testament geskryf is, was daar nog baie mense in die omtrek wat in Jesus se tyd geleef het en wat dus die gebeure en Jesus se lering kon staaf.  Die skrywers het dus nie hierdie weergawes uitgedink of opgedis nie.

·           Ander Getuienisse: Die Nuwe Testament het begin as 27 boekrolle en is oorspronklik in antieke Grieks geskryf.  Tale manuskripte is die afgelope klompie eeue opgegrawe wat die verhale in die Nuwe Testament bevestig – ja, so het die spelling hier en daar verskil, maar nooit was die effek daarvan so ingegrypend dat dit die outentisiteit van die Bybel in twyfel getrek het nie.  T.o.v. mindere afwykings tussen die verskillende manuskripte sê geleerdes soos Norman Geisler en William Nix die volgende:  "The New Testament, then, has not only survived in more manuscripts than any other book from iniquity, but it has survived in purer form than any other great book – a form that is 99,5% pure".  Dr. Ravi Zacharias van Cambridge Univeristeit sê: "In real terms, the New Testament is easily the best attested ancient writing in terms of the sheer number of documents, the same span between the events and the documents, and the variety of documents available to sustain or contradict it.  There is nothing in ancient manuscript evidence to match such textual availablility and integrity"

Dit is uit bg. dus duidelik dat die Nuwe Testament, die mees betroubare antieke dokument in die wêreld is.

Argeologie het bv. verskeie beweringe oor die inkonsekwentheid of betroubaarheid van die Woord weerlê – beweringe wat vandag nog steeds by sommige universiteite geleer word.  Die "JEPD Documentary Hypothesis" leer bv. dat Moses nie die Pentateug (die eerste vyf boeke van die Bybel) kon geskryf het nie, omdat niemand in Moses se tyd kon geskryf het nie – totdat argeoloë die "Black Stele" ontdek het – dit was ’n tablet wat uit hiërogliewe bestaan het en wat die volledige wette van Hammurabi bevat het.  Was dit na Moses, of voor Moses geskryf?  Voor Moses, trouens, nog voor Abraham (ongeveer 2000 v.C.)!  Die Pentateug is ongeveer in 1700 v.C. geskryf. 

In 1974 is daar 14000 Tablette in die noorde van Sirië, by ’n plek met die naam van Ebla ontdek en daar beweer dat dit van ongeveer 2500 v.C. dateer – honderde jare dus voor Abraham en hierdie tablette bevestig beskrywings van die kultuur en lewenswyse van daardie tyd soos bv. beskryf in Gen.12-50.

Argeologie bevestig dus gereeld die historiese akkuraatheid van die Bybel.  So word die Hebreeuse teks van die Ou Testament bv. bevestig deur die Dooie Seerolle wat tussen 1947 en 1956 ontdek is, asook die Septuaginta (’n Griekse vertaling van die Ou Testament wat reeds gedurende die 3de eeu voor Christus geskryf is); die Samaritaanse Pentateug en die Targums (antieke paragrawe van die Ou Testament), asook die Talmud (leringe en kommentare wat verband hou met die antieke Hebreeuse geskrifte).  

Die hoeveelheid Nuwe Testamentiese geskrifte is egter nog veel meer as die Ou Testamentiese geskrifte.  Daar bestaan meer as 5000 Griekse manuskripte; omtrent 8000 Latynse manuskripte en ’n verdere nagenoeg 1000 manuskripte in ander tale (Siries, Kopties, ens.) en bo en behalwe hierdie manuskripte bestaan daar letterlik duisende aanhalings uit die Nuwe Testament wat gemaak is deur die vroeë kerkvaders – en almal stem ooreen!  In teenstelling hiermee bestaan daar maar slegs sowat 20 manuskripte wat die werke van Griekse en Latynse skrywers soos Plato, Aristoteles, Caesar of Tacitus, onderskryf.

As gevolg van die Joodse Skrifgeleerdes se geweldige puntenerigheid t.o.v. die bewaring en korrektheid van die Ou Testament is die oorskryf van die Ou Testamentiese teks deur uiters streng wette gereguleer en is daar sorg gedra dat die suiwerheid en korrektheid van die teks nie in gedrang gekom het nie – hierdie feit is dan o.a. ook deur die Dooie Seerolle bevestig.

Waarop staan die Woord self, ten einde te bewys dat dit betroubaar en outentiek is?  Johannes bv. maak daarop aanspraak dat hy fisies teenwoordig was by Jesus en dat hy dus ’n betroubare getuie is – Joh.19:35 ~ Hy wat dit gesien het, lê daarvan getuienis af, en sy getuienis is waar. Hy weet dat hy die waarheid praat, sodat julle ook kan glo.  Ook v.24 ~ Dit is die dissipel wat oor al hierdie dinge getuienis aflê en dit beskrywe het, en ons weet dat sy getuienis waar is.  Ook Petrus sê dieselfde – 1Pet.5:1 ~ As mede-ouderling en getuie van die lyding van Christus en ook deelgenoot aan die heerlikheid wat geopenbaar sal word en wat daarop volg.

Die beste weergawe van ’n Interne Toets, is waarskynlik die woorde van Lukas in Luk.1:1-4 ~ Daar is baie wat onderneem het om ’n verhaal te skrywe van die dinge wat onder ons gebeur het. 2Hulle het dit opgeteken soos dit aan ons oorgelewer is deur die mense wat van die begin af ooggetuies en dienaars van die Woord was. 3Daarom het ek dit ook goedgedink om self alles stap vir stap van voor af te ondersoek en die verhaal noukeurig in die regte volgorde vir u neer te skryf. 4So kan u te wete kom dat die dinge waaroor u onderrig is, heeltemal betroubaar is.

Uit bg. uiters beknopte en gebrekkige voëlvlug (a.g.v. tydsbeperkinge) oor van die verskillende wyses om vas te stel of die Bybel wel die Woord van God is, behoort dit alreeds baie duidelik te wees dat ons sonder twyfel kan sê dat die Bybel wel die Woord van God is.  Hierdie Bybel van ons spreek van die ware-, lewende- en Skepper God en daarom kan ons met vrymoedigheid slegs na die Woord kyk om vas te stel wie en wat God dan werklik is.  Ons gaan dan D.V. volgende keer na die karakter van God begin kyk en daarom ook meer intensief in die Woord van God betrokke raak ook.

[1] Mannebybelstudie – Aangebied deur Kobus van der Walt van ANTIPAS Gemeente (Vereeniging) te Meyerton op Dinsdagaand 28 Junie 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Concert of Prayer

Ek deel graag o.s. stuk ter bemoediging van elkeen wat staan vir die waarheid te midde van swaarkry, verguising, vervolging, ens.  Hierdie stuk is deur Dr. Errol Wagner van Geirge Baptist Church aan my gestuur:

Concert of Prayer
‘At that time men began to call on the name of the LORD’ (Gen 4:27). Why this observation so early in the Biblical record. First, because when God’s people call earnestly together on the name of the LORD that is very significant in heaven. The angels observe this intercession. Most important the LORD responds to this intercession. Second, men were driven to this united intercession because they were threatened with a tide of wickedness. This is expressed in the hatred and defiance of Lamech (Gen 4:23-24). To that must be added the discouragement of the murder of Abel by Cain. Third, concern for the future of God’s cause on earth drove them to intercession. This was the first concert of prayer.

Jonathan Bayes described a concert of prayer for revival in Leeds in the last issue. To that was added guidelines in the form of ten reasons why churches should unite in a concert of prayer. The encouragement derived from that first concert led to a second on 11th of June. This time there was simultaneously a satellite meeting at Whitby, 11.00am to 1.00 pm. The earnestness of intercession and the unity enjoyed by those who gathered has inspired further action. This time it was decided to organise seven satellite meetings spread across Yorkshire: Ripon, Halifax, Mirfield, Leeds, Whitby, Hull and Sheffield to take place from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm on 17 September. Then later on 5th November a further central united concert is to gather in Leeds.  

Motivation is vital. There are books to inspire us. One such is Preparing Your Church for Revival by T M Moore published by Christian Focus, (110 page paperback). Another is Reformation Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Carl R Trueman also published by Christian Focus, (125 page paperback). When we pray we have all the advantages of previous revivals  build on. Carl Trueman concentrates on the 16th Reformation. The author reminds us while Martin Luther is remembered for his heroic recovery of justification by faith alone he was essentially cross-centred (1 Cur 2:1-5). We must always be focused on what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. A third book that can inspire us to prayer is Taking Hold of God – Reformed and Puritan Perspectives on Prayer. This is a book of expositions on prayer edited by Joel R Beeke and Brian G Najapfour. Chapter eleven is titled Puritan Prayers for World Mission. In it Joel Beeke cites Jonathan Edwards book calling for a concert of extraordinary prayer. Edwards focused on ‘the promises of God that all families of the earth would be blessed (Gen 12:3; 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; 28:14), all nations would serve the Messiah (Ps 72:11, 17), all nations would come to the Lord (Is 2:2; Jer 3:17), true religion would prevail throughout the world (Pss 22:27; 65:5,8; 67:7; 98:3; 113:3; Isa 11:9; 54:1,4; Mal 1:11), idols and idolatrous nations would perish from the earth (Isa 60:12; Jer 10:11,15), and the full number of Jews and Gentiles would be saved (Rom 11:12,25). In typical Puritan fashion Edwards urged believers to turn these promises into prayers’ (Page 214). But are not the references cited above descriptions of the world to come - not this earth?  No! There are present day examples of extraordinary gospel expansion. For instance there is a city of 120,000 in the Far East. Seven years ago a church was planted which has grown to fill a building which seats 1,800.  This last Christmas season saw 10,000 people gather at that venue. There are numerous other churches in that city where the proportion of genuine believers has increased to about thirty percent of the whole.  

There is deep concern that the UK is under divine judgement and is being by-passed while other nations experience spiritual awakenings. Conrad Pomeroy who is a Reformed Baptist pastor in Dundee, Scotland, begins an article in the Banner of Truth magazine (Issue 574) as follows, ‘So brothers, which of you can speak of conversions in your church?’ Conrad then draws attention to the overall national reality of many shrinking churches. Larger churches with much activity mask this reality. They are added to mostly by the already converted but not by those converted out of the world. ‘Those who belong to larger churches may not feel the urgency of the situation – there is comfort in numbers, and the list of weekly activities conveys a sense of “business as usual”.’

Conrad points to the manner in which some respond to the spiritual drought. Visitors from the outside are very rare. ‘Some churches resort to mere methods and tactics – “transform your style of worship, bring in more music, cut back on the preaching, soften the lighting (and the message!), and shelve church discipline”.’ A further consideration is that the spiritual bankruptcy of secularised Britain is not reflected by the immigrant communities where there are conversions. Black Pentecostal churches in London and other cities are noted for their growth and vitality.

Those struggling in church plants and those persevering in shrinking churches are generally those who most appreciate the meaning of the text above: ‘At that time men began to call on the name of the LORD’ (Gen 4:27).   It is time to seek our God in earnest.  Will future historians note that it was when we began to call on the LORD that the spiritual tide began to turn?  

Sunday, June 26, 2011

God's Sacrificial Laws - 06 (The Reparation Offering - 01)

Lev.5:1-13 ~ “If anyone sins in that he hears a public adjuration to testify, and though he is a witness, whether he has seen or come to know the matter, yet does not speak, he shall bear his iniquity; 2 or if anyone touches an unclean thing, whether a carcass of an unclean wild animal or a carcass of unclean livestock or a carcass of unclean swarming things, and it is hidden from him and he has become unclean, and he realizes his guilt; 3 or if he touches human uncleanness, of whatever sort the uncleanness may be with which one becomes unclean, and it is hidden from him, when he comes to know it, and realizes his guilt; 4 or if anyone utters with his lips a rash oath to do evil or to do good, any sort of rash oath that people swear, and it is hidden from him, when he comes to know it, and he realizes his guilt in any of these; 5 when he realizes his guilt in any of these and confesses the sin he has committed, 6 he shall bring to the Lord as his compensation for the sin that he has committed, a female from the flock, a lamb or a goat, for a sin offering. And the priest shall make atonement for him for his sin.7 “But if he cannot afford a lamb, then he shall bring to the Lord as his compensation for the sin that he has committed two turtledoves or two pigeons, one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. 8 He shall bring them to the priest, who shall offer first the one for the sin offering. He shall wring its head from its neck but shall not sever it completely, 9 and he shall sprinkle some of the blood of the sin offering on the side of the altar, while the rest of the blood shall be drained out at the base of the altar; it is a sin offering. 10 Then he shall offer the second for a burnt offering according to the rule. And the priest shall make atonement for him for the sin that he has committed, and he shall be forgiven. 11 “But if he cannot afford two turtledoves or two pigeons, then he shall bring as his offering for the sin that he has committed a tenth of an ephah of fine flour for a sin offering. He shall put no oil on it and shall put no frankincense on it, for it is a sin offering. 12 And he shall bring it to the priest, and the priest shall take a handful of it as its memorial portion and burn this on the altar, on the Lord’s food offerings; it is a sin offering. 13 Thus the priest shall make atonement for him for the sin which he has committed in any one of these things, and he shall be forgiven. And the remainder shall be for the priest, as in the grain offering.”

Paul says in verses like Rom.3:20 ~ For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin and Gal.3:24 ~ So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.  When we look at these verses, it is crystal clear that no one can be saved and inherits eternal life through good works – the only way to be saved, is through Christ Jesus.

Paul also says a very interesting thing here in Rom.3 – he says that the law was given to man in order to reveal sin in part to man, but also to reveal God's gracious gift of cleansing man from sin.  Leviticus 5 does exactly the same:
·           It starts off with the things that have been left undone and are sin and then instructing the guilty in the way of purification.
·           When we look at the sins, mentioned here in Lev.5, it helps us in the second place, to understand the nature of "sins of omission" that much better,
·           But it also helps man in the third place, to appreciate God's high standard for holiness that much better.
·           A fourth thing is that this chapter also displays God's grace in providing for sinners – not simply in allowing them to find purification through sacrificial atonement, but in making it possible for everyone, even the very poor, to have access to Him.
·           Lastly, this chapter also introduces the requirement of confession for sin.  This part of the ritual was of crucial importance, because without confession, the offering was empty and no forgiveness could be obtained.

Leviticus 5 begins by listing special cases that might not have been considered part of the
purification ritual, but nonetheless should be.

The first case deals with withholding evidence.  The text indicates that any person who was an eyewitness or gained information should step forward and provide it to the magistrates.  The implication is that some time has passed since the crime, and eyewitnesses have not come forward, even though they were bound by oath to do so.  If a person who was an eyewitness at e.g. a crime and did not come forward with the evidence, then he had to bear his own iniquity by receiving the punishment for his sin.

In vv.2-3 we read about people who touch unclean objects, or a human corpse, for instance – even by accident.  Such people also became ceremonially unclean and had to purify themselves within the prescribed time.    

Verse 4 deals with an unfulfilled oath – even oaths that were made rashly.  If someone took an oath, but forgot to fulfil it, or choose to postpone it because it was unpleasant, he also needed purification, especially if we keep in mind that such a person could experience Divine punishment.

Verses 5-6 however offered forgiveness, but confession was needed.  So, whenever the guilty realised that he was in sin and he had remorse for it, the first thing to do was confess the sin.  We must realise that when we acknowledge sin, it means that we agree with God's assessment of the sin.  That was exactly what the people of Israel realised, but what is more, the law also required the guilty to confess or acknowledge their sin in public.  This was an essential part of their restoration process.

I personally think that if we should start to acknowledge and confess our sins in public (here in the church for instance), we will get to the point where we will experience true repentance and our sanctification will increase so much more.  James in James 5:16 supports this idea when he says ~ Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.  Also Acts 19:18 supports this idea ~ Also many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices.

In the New Testament the word "confess" is also used for both confessing sin and confessing the lordship of Jesus Christ – 1Joh.1:9 ~ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.   Rom.10:9-10 ~ …because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.  It is however important to still keep in mind, that acknowledging the truth is behind both these uses.

Two very important points should be made about vv.7-13:
·           No matter how prolonged the guilt has been, the purification offering may still be brought; and
·           As we already saw last week, access was available to all, even the very poor who did not have the appropriate animals for the sacrifice. 

These two points are equally important to us today as well – no matter how long ago we have sinned and no matter what our social or financial status are – we always have access to the Lord to confess and receive forgiveness for our sins!

It is not too difficult to correlate these kinds of sins, mentioned here in Lev.5, with the New Testament and thus to our time.  The Apostle Paul makes it clear that the believer's word should be at all times, true and reliable, whether or not an oath was actually used – Eph.4:25 is very clear about this ~ Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.  If we should take a wow for whatever reason, it must surely be fulfilled.  Christ Himself, when placed under oath to answer the high priest, responded with His witness ~ But Jesus remained silent. And the high priest said to him, “I adjure you by the living God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.” 64 Jesus said to him, “You have said so. But I tell you, from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven" (Matt.26:63-64).   Today we know that this was a promise made under an oath that Jesus fulfilled and that He will still fulfil in future with the second return of our Lord.

We already saw last week, that sin not only defiled the sinner, but it also defiled the Tabernacle and thus, shut off fellowship between the sinner and God. 

In Old Testament times, the law served the purpose of reminding the people of their sins, no matter how minute.  Today we have the Law (the Word of God) in our own hands and the more we read the Bible, the more the Word brings light to our sins that we have committed or left unconfessed.  As New Testament believers, we must also confess our sins in order to maintain fellowship with the Father.  We must always keep 1Joh.1:9 in mind ~ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  When we therefore confess our sins, there is immediate cleansing by the blood of Christ – Christ the perfect and complete Offering Lamb that was slain and offered on our behalf, in order to forgive us and grant us permanent access to the Father.

Today we have the wonderful opportunity to commemorate this aspect of our Lord's purification rite on our behalf, by means of the Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper.

What happens during the Lord's Supper?
·           Paul says 1Cor.11:26 ~ For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.  We as believers confess afresh our faith in Jesus Christ when we take part in the Lord's Supper.  It is also a public testimony of our personal faith in, and commitment to, the crucified and risen Christ.  Without devotion to Christ from the heart, and an enthusiastic resolve to be His disciple, there is no reason to expect any blessing from God.  According to Hebr.11:6, it is impossible to please God without faith.
·           As a symbolic feast, the Supper also has a profound corporate dimension.  It draws believers together in the fellowship of Christ's saving work as they confess the same Lord and the same faith.  It is a covenant bond of union horizontally as well as vertically.
·           The Old Testament believers had communion with the Lord when they brought their burnt- and sin offerings.  We as believers also commune with Jesus Christ when we partake in the Lord's Supper.  Jesus says in Matt.26:29 ~ I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.   It is important to take notice of the fact that the Kingdom is already NOW even though it has NOT YET come to the completion and consummation to be effected when Jesus returns.  In the light of this truth, we as believers can enjoy the fellowship around the Lord's Table as a foretaste and anticipation, in sign and symbol, of the promised marriage supper of the Lamb that will take place in heaven (Rev.19:7-9).
·           A question that we may ask is:  Why did Jesus institute the Supper?  The answer is so that it would be to us a "cup of blessing" – a cup blessed in itself for what it represents, and therefore designed to be a blessing to those who partake of it.  1Cor.10:16 says ~ The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a participation in the blood of Christ?  The bread that we break, is it not a participation in the body of Christ?  Clearly, the blessing flows form the Lord, in virtue of His atoning death for sinners.  He imparts Himself, His comfort, His assurance, His love – the very love that took Him from eternity to Calvary in the first place.  The Lord's Supper therefore is a means of grace to us; a conveyance of divine love to the soul, an imparting of Christ to the renewed heart, a communion of saints with their Saviour.
·           We also proclaim Christ's death when we partake of the Lord's Supper.  When we say that we proclaim Christ's death, it implies that we must review afresh our relationship to the Lord.  We must also recommit our lives to Him and rejoice in His precious salvation.  The Supper is thus an opportunity to evaluate and review our relationship towards the Lord, as well as our personal discipleship.

When we say that we proclaim the Lord's death, we also have to ask ourselves what the implications of His death are for our lives.
-        The first implication is that we must grieve over our sins.  Not just sin in general, but sin itself as an underlying feature of our thought life and actual performance. 
-        But, in the second place – We cannot just weep over our sins, we must at the same time rejoice in Christ, because through the Lord's Supper, we also proclaim His death.  And because we trust in His death for our salvation, we have reason to rejoice.  The Lord's Supper is therefore truly a feast – that is why Jesus said in Mark.2:19 ~ Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? As long as they have the bridegroom with them, they cannot fast. 

Let us therefore take some time for reflection and introspection and let us then gather around the table in order to demonstrate our unity in Christ Jesus, but let it also be a time of joy and thanks to the Lord for what He did for us!

Matt.26:26-27 ~ Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is my body.” 27 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, “Drink of it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29 I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”

[1] Message delivered by Kobus van der Walt at ANTIPAS Church (Vereeniging)Sunday morning 26 June, 2011